What In the World is This?

This blog follows my life and daily adventures; everything from things that annoy me to tips and tricks I've picked up along the way. And you're just lucky enough to have stumbled upon this beauty of a blog, you're welcome.

Monday 17 June 2013

Graduation Already?

There's only a few days left of school until I never have to go to high school again; that seems pretty crazy. I feel like this year went by so quickly it's actually scary. I'm super excited to go away and have fun at university but I know that means that I'm a grown up and that freaks me out, I'll be living on my own and making my own food and that's going to be a weird adjustment. I'll even have to do my own laundry unfortunately so I'll probably just wear the same sweatpants everyday to avoid that problem. It's weird because I can remember my grade 8 graduation like it was yesterday and to think that 4 school years have flown past already is scary since I know soon enough I'll be graduating university and actually contributing to society. I have already prepared myself to breakdown at graduation because I'm getting this realization now that I'm growing up no matter how hard I try to stop it. I have such mixed feelings about graduating and it's weird to think that I won't ever really see those teachers and lots of the students again. I won't have a locker or even really be able to go sit down in a classroom and learn something. It's crazy and I need time to stop for a second or two!

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