What In the World is This?

This blog follows my life and daily adventures; everything from things that annoy me to tips and tricks I've picked up along the way. And you're just lucky enough to have stumbled upon this beauty of a blog, you're welcome.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Oh my Lanta

Highschool is a magically mysterious place; it's where all teachers like to give assignments, tests and projects all within around the same time of each other. Eventually, by grade 12 you get used to it and can usually manage it pretty well, it's once they start adding in all of the applications you have to do ontop of all the homework is where you get a tad bit STRESSED THE HELL OUT. Anyways, I don't know about anybody else out there, but I hate these scholarship forms we have to fill out. I don't even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday let alone the dates of the community service hours I did back in grade 9! Nor do I know how much money I'll make during my first school year at university; how am I supposed to know that?! Last time I checked I don't have a damn time machine that allows me to see into the future and see if I get a job next year, like are you guys for real? No one tells you at the beginning of high school to keep a record for yourself of when and how long you did volunteer work for! So now you're in grade 12 and they just expect that you remember everything you've ever done in the last 4 years and the specific dates and times of everything you did. The scholarships should be simple; do you need money for school check yes or no, are you already poor as hell? check yes or no; that should be the only things that you must fill out on your forms, because that's what they need to know. As one could easily tell, I'm filling these forms out today and that's why I'm ranting about it. Okay... I'm done, good day.

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