Life and Times of a Teenage Infant
What In the World is This?
This blog follows my life and daily adventures; everything from things that annoy me to tips and tricks I've picked up along the way. And you're just lucky enough to have stumbled upon this beauty of a blog, you're welcome.
Monday, 17 June 2013
Graduation Already?
There's only a few days left of school until I never have to go to high school again; that seems pretty crazy. I feel like this year went by so quickly it's actually scary. I'm super excited to go away and have fun at university but I know that means that I'm a grown up and that freaks me out, I'll be living on my own and making my own food and that's going to be a weird adjustment. I'll even have to do my own laundry unfortunately so I'll probably just wear the same sweatpants everyday to avoid that problem. It's weird because I can remember my grade 8 graduation like it was yesterday and to think that 4 school years have flown past already is scary since I know soon enough I'll be graduating university and actually contributing to society. I have already prepared myself to breakdown at graduation because I'm getting this realization now that I'm growing up no matter how hard I try to stop it. I have such mixed feelings about graduating and it's weird to think that I won't ever really see those teachers and lots of the students again. I won't have a locker or even really be able to go sit down in a classroom and learn something. It's crazy and I need time to stop for a second or two!
Holy Mackrel
Isn't it strange that everything always gets busy at the exact same time? You can have one class with absolutely nothing to do for two weeks then they had you two projects and a test at the same time another class does the same thing, then you become absolutely screwed. I hate that and it stresses me out a lot, then I get pimples, then I look ugly and that is never good. You feel like your head is going to explode and you just don't want to do anything. It also sucks when the weather is nice or you have a bunch of fun stuff planned on the weekends so you never have the time or want to find the time to do anything. I just can't wait for it to be summer so I don't have any assignments ever and I can do nothing except work all of the time and not stress about a single thing. I hope I can actually get all of this stuff done so I never have to think about it again. Dueces.
Can the NFL please hurry their butts up and start playing because I cannot handle not turning on my T.V on Sunday's and not seeing at least one game being played. Football gets me right fired up and I need to watch it in order to live a happy life. I always watch it with my dad so it's a little bit of bonding but it also always involves some type of fattening food and I love that. Wings, chips and wings are the greatest things ever and I love getting an excuse to eat them all at the same time. (Did I mention wings?) I'm also extremely fired up because my boys won last season and they have just received their rings and they are extremely sassy might I say. They've signed Flacco to a crazy deal and added Elam so I'm excited to see how that all works out. I know my boy Ray Lew won't be back and I will forever miss him but I'm sure next season will be awesome I just want to watch it already.
Gym Rats
Nothing drives me more insane then when I'm at the gym and I have the unfortunate pleasure of getting the elliptical that faces the rest of the gym so I'm forced to stare at everyone, watch and of course critique every little thing they do. I question why many of them even show up for the 2 sets of 3 reps they do for every hour they spend at the gym. Like do you even go home?! The guys who think they're amazing do a few reps then set down the weight and walk around the gym, go get a drink, go to the washroom maybe? I'm not too sure but whatever they do it takes 10 minutes. They come back and do another 3 reps then leave again. If you're really that thirsty then maybe bring a water bottle to the place you're working out, hell set it beside you if you must. Another thing that drives me crazy are the girls that show up with their posse like it's a Y dance or something and stand around equipment and talk. Like why would you ever spend $5.50 to stand around and talk for like a half an hour then go home. It's actually such a waste and such an annoying thing to see.
Sleepy Time
Sometimes all I want to do is sleep. When it's already kind of rainy and seems like a dreary day nothing invites you to wake up and get out of bed. It also doesn't help that I am already extremely tired to begin with most of the time. The worst is when you just want to get away from the rest of the world because everyone is bothering you and the only way you can get away is sleep. It's the only time you get to forget about everything and have whatever you want to happen, happen. It's an escape really. Don't you remember being really young and you never wanted to sleep? You were always excited for the next day ahead and could never sleep because you were too excited. When in the world did that change? And why did it ever have to change? That's one of those things you miss and wish you could get back.
Friday, 24 May 2013
Top 6 Ways to Prevent an Injury
With the summer season coming soon everyone is trying to quickly get into their bikini body as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this can lead to many injuries because we push ourselves too hard, try to go too fast or are trying something new. Here are the top 10 ways to prevent injury when working out.
1. Always warm up
Although you may feel like you can jump into any vigorous exercise as soon as you get to the gym, you can't. Your body needs a little time to get warmed up and adjust to the exercising you're about to do. Getting the muscles and the rest of your body warm and ready to workout by a slow 5 minute jog keeps your body less prone to injury when performing the exercises.
2. Proper Form
I know it sounds pretty obvious but many people don't pay attention to form as much as they should. Correct form is needed in order to target the muscles properly and prevent injury. If you're unsure if you're using correct form from a new exercise, don't be afraid to ask a trainer at the gym they'll be glad to help you. It's also very important that you use a weight that you feel comfortable with, something that challenges you but isn't too heavy that the only way you can perform the activity is if you break form.
3. Go Slow
Many people think going quickly through their weight lifting sets is more effective then going slow; well guess what? It's not. By going slow you're able to keep the muscle contracted for longer, it's more challenging going slow and it gives you a better work out. Going too fast can also lead to injury as well as force you to lose form. If you're just starting to exercise or haven't been to the gym in a while, going slow is essential because your body isn't used to the physical activity and has a better likelihood of getting injured.
4. Feel Sick? Stay Home
A minor headache or stomach ache can be relieved through exercise so don't use it as an excuse to not go to the gym, but if you feel extremely sick or fatigued stay home. When you feel really sick your body isn't ready to perform intense exercise. By attempting to go as hard as you normally do, your body may not be able to keep up with your mental state. Surely your fellow gym members would prefer you to stay home aswell!
5. Wear the Proper Gear
If you're going out for a rollerblade make sure you're using the protective gear in order to prevent injury as much as possible. Wrist guards are a must with rollerblades because you're likely to fall forward and brace your arms in order to protect yourself. Braces of all kinds are also useful to anyone who has had an injury before in order to prevent another one. Wear proper shoes when running with excellent arch support to avoid shin splints.
6. Take a Break
If you're quickly trying to get your bikini bod for your next beach outing or quickly train for your marathon in two weeks, take a break. Overworking your body and pushing yourself too hard can cause injury. You have to give your body a break in order to build muscle back and get your body back to it's normal condition. Don't forget your muscles need a break too!
1. Always warm up
Although you may feel like you can jump into any vigorous exercise as soon as you get to the gym, you can't. Your body needs a little time to get warmed up and adjust to the exercising you're about to do. Getting the muscles and the rest of your body warm and ready to workout by a slow 5 minute jog keeps your body less prone to injury when performing the exercises.
2. Proper Form
I know it sounds pretty obvious but many people don't pay attention to form as much as they should. Correct form is needed in order to target the muscles properly and prevent injury. If you're unsure if you're using correct form from a new exercise, don't be afraid to ask a trainer at the gym they'll be glad to help you. It's also very important that you use a weight that you feel comfortable with, something that challenges you but isn't too heavy that the only way you can perform the activity is if you break form.
3. Go Slow
Many people think going quickly through their weight lifting sets is more effective then going slow; well guess what? It's not. By going slow you're able to keep the muscle contracted for longer, it's more challenging going slow and it gives you a better work out. Going too fast can also lead to injury as well as force you to lose form. If you're just starting to exercise or haven't been to the gym in a while, going slow is essential because your body isn't used to the physical activity and has a better likelihood of getting injured.
4. Feel Sick? Stay Home
A minor headache or stomach ache can be relieved through exercise so don't use it as an excuse to not go to the gym, but if you feel extremely sick or fatigued stay home. When you feel really sick your body isn't ready to perform intense exercise. By attempting to go as hard as you normally do, your body may not be able to keep up with your mental state. Surely your fellow gym members would prefer you to stay home aswell!
5. Wear the Proper Gear
If you're going out for a rollerblade make sure you're using the protective gear in order to prevent injury as much as possible. Wrist guards are a must with rollerblades because you're likely to fall forward and brace your arms in order to protect yourself. Braces of all kinds are also useful to anyone who has had an injury before in order to prevent another one. Wear proper shoes when running with excellent arch support to avoid shin splints.
6. Take a Break
If you're quickly trying to get your bikini bod for your next beach outing or quickly train for your marathon in two weeks, take a break. Overworking your body and pushing yourself too hard can cause injury. You have to give your body a break in order to build muscle back and get your body back to it's normal condition. Don't forget your muscles need a break too!
Friday, 17 May 2013
Praise the lord it is finally the weekend, and not just any weekend, May 2/4 weekend! It's supposed to be absolutely beautiful and I work all weekend except it's only during the day so at nights I can still go out and have a good time! Toinght we're going out and I'm excited because we haven't gone out in a while. It's also going to be nice to have a 3 day weekend which I think we should have more of. It's getting closer and closer to summer and I cannot wait for this summer. Mainly because of all the different things I have planned such as the Colour Run and Warrior Dash, plus working. Although it's work, my work has a really fun atmosphere and everyone who works there is really fun to be around. So work isn't as bad as people think, at least for me. This is going to be a good weekend I can tell and I think every week closer to summer we get the better it'll be. I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend! Dueces!
Friday, 10 May 2013
Poem Cycle and all that Jazz
So, today we are having to put a poem from our poem cycle that we have been working on for the past little bit. I've decided to put my third poem from my cycle. First I'll let you know what my poem cycle is about; it goes back and forth from the boys perspective to the girls on their love. One can see their story from the very beginning to the very end, and I have choosen to show you the poem in the boys perspective of when they are infatuated with eachother.
I cannot take my eyes off of her,
glued like piece of paper.
This budding love is sprinkled with magic and I can hardly get enough.
Like a fairy godmother she is kind and helpful, always doing things for others.
Deception is not there, for she is pure shining gold.
Swift and sweet her words flow from her porcelain lips,
ever so delicate and smooth.
Glued like a piece of paper,
I cannot take my eyes off of her.
I have yet to edit this piece or add to it so this in generally the rough draft. Like I said before it's the boy's view on a girl he's infatuated with. It's that stage in a relationhip where everything is new and exciting and you find yourself constantly thinking about them. You can't believe that you've found someone so wonderful and you spend every waking minute of every day talking to them or being around them. In your eyes they can do no wrong at this point and everything seems perfect. It's a major stage in a relationship so I definitely wanted to touch on it in my cycle. Some people call it 'the honeymoon stage' and it makes sense. I've written this poem so it starts and ends with the same line, I found this really effective. I have a feeling I'm going to add more because although it's 8 mines it feels sort of short compared to what could be said. I want people to feel the excitement in this boy for finding a girl and possibly take them back to a time where they have felt the same thing.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Where Poetry Hides
Since this is our poetry month I decided to talk about where poetry hides for me personally. I feel a lot of it hides in emotion, a great deal of it and whether it's happiness, anger or sadness there can always be beautiful poetry coming out of it. I also think it hides in eyes and smiles and places that aren't really places. You can look into someones eyes and see a million different things without them even saying one word. Smiles can radiate so much light and emotion which can be extremely inspiring. I see it in nature and sunsets and rises and natural things that just leave you breathless; you can't help but be in awe of these things and there are so many stories that can come out of these places. I feel like that's why I want to travel so badly too; so I can see these places that are so much bigger than me and see how they feel and the energy they emit. These are the sort of things that I personally can find poetry in, anything that emits a sense of energy, that makes you feel a certain way when you experience it.
Sun's Out Guns Out
This week has been extremely hot, that means the stupid lectures of what is school appropriate and how to follow the dress code have been gone over pretty much every single day. No shoulders is one of the rules and I honestly don't understand why. Yes I get that you don't want to see bra straps or the occassional boob but shoulders are not sexually attractive in the slightest, I want to be able to wear a tank top that doesn't show anything at all. Especially since our school doesn't have air conditioning and with 700 sweaty nasty kids running around it gets pretty darn hot. I can't handle extreme heat and I definitely can't learn in that environment. Another thing is shorts that are touching your finger tips; one; good luck finding a pair in any store and two; they're ugly. Not just oh darn these aren't that great, but they make you look about 7 inches shorter and 10 inches wider and no one wants that. Plus I'm not spending money on shorts like that when I have 2 months of school to wear them, I need that money for more important things like school and food. I think that as long as other people don't see bra straps or anything that would get blurred out on an episode of Jackass, you should be able to wear summer clothes, because well it's hot...duh.
Me during the summer |
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