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Friday, 24 May 2013

Top 6 Ways to Prevent an Injury

With the summer season coming soon everyone is trying to quickly get into their bikini body as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this can lead to many injuries because we push ourselves too hard, try to go too fast or are trying something new. Here are the top 10 ways to prevent injury when working out.

1. Always warm up
Although you may feel like you can jump into any vigorous exercise as soon as you get to the gym, you can't. Your body needs a little time to get warmed up and adjust to the exercising you're about to do. Getting the muscles and the rest of your body warm and ready to workout by a slow 5 minute jog keeps your body less prone to injury when performing the exercises.

2. Proper Form
I know it sounds pretty obvious but many people don't pay attention to form as much as they should. Correct form is needed in order to target the muscles properly and prevent injury. If you're unsure if you're using correct form from a new exercise, don't be afraid to ask a trainer at the gym they'll be glad to help you. It's also very important that you use a weight that you feel comfortable with, something that challenges you but isn't too heavy that the only way you can perform the activity is if you break form.

3. Go Slow
Many people think going quickly through their weight lifting sets is more effective then going slow; well guess what? It's not. By going slow you're able to keep the muscle contracted for longer, it's more challenging going slow and it gives you a better work out. Going too fast can also lead to injury as well as force you to lose form. If you're just starting to exercise or haven't been to the gym in a while, going slow is essential because your body isn't used to the physical activity and has a better likelihood of getting injured.

4. Feel Sick? Stay Home
A minor headache or stomach ache can be relieved through exercise so don't use it as an excuse to not go to the gym, but if you feel extremely sick or fatigued stay home. When you feel really sick your body isn't ready to perform intense exercise. By attempting to go as hard as you normally do, your body may not be able to keep up with your mental state. Surely your fellow gym members would prefer you to stay home aswell!

5. Wear the Proper Gear
If you're going out for a rollerblade make sure you're using the protective gear in order to prevent injury as much as possible. Wrist guards are a must with rollerblades because you're likely to fall forward and brace your arms in order to protect yourself. Braces of all kinds are also useful to anyone who has had an injury before in order to prevent another one. Wear proper shoes when running with excellent arch support to avoid shin splints.

6. Take a Break 
If you're quickly trying to get your bikini bod for your next beach outing or quickly train for your marathon in two weeks, take a break. Overworking your body and pushing yourself too hard can cause injury. You have to give your body a break in order to build muscle back and get your body back to it's normal condition. Don't forget your muscles need a break too!

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