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This blog follows my life and daily adventures; everything from things that annoy me to tips and tricks I've picked up along the way. And you're just lucky enough to have stumbled upon this beauty of a blog, you're welcome.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Gym Rats

Nothing drives me more insane then when I'm at the gym and I have the unfortunate pleasure of getting the elliptical that faces the rest of the gym so I'm forced to stare at everyone, watch and of course critique every little thing they do. I question why many of them even show up for the 2 sets of 3 reps they do for every hour they spend at the gym. Like do you even go home?! The guys who think they're amazing do a few reps then set down the weight and walk around the gym, go get a drink, go to the washroom maybe? I'm not too sure but whatever they do it takes 10 minutes. They come back and do another 3 reps then leave again. If you're really that thirsty then maybe bring a water bottle to the place you're working out, hell set it beside you if you must. Another thing that drives me crazy are the girls that show up with their posse like it's a Y dance or something and stand around equipment and talk. Like why would you ever spend $5.50 to stand around and talk for like a half an hour then go home. It's actually such a waste and such an annoying thing to see.

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