What In the World is This?

This blog follows my life and daily adventures; everything from things that annoy me to tips and tricks I've picked up along the way. And you're just lucky enough to have stumbled upon this beauty of a blog, you're welcome.

Monday 17 June 2013

Sleepy Time

Sometimes all I want to do is sleep. When it's already kind of rainy and seems like a dreary day nothing invites you to wake up and get out of bed. It also doesn't help that I am already extremely tired to begin with most of the time. The worst is when you just want to get away from the rest of the world because everyone is bothering you and the only way you can get away is sleep. It's the only time you get to forget about everything and have whatever you want to happen, happen. It's an escape really. Don't you remember being really young and you never wanted to sleep? You were always excited for the next day ahead and could never sleep because you were too excited. When in the world did that change? And why did it ever have to change? That's one of those things you miss and wish you could get back.

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