What In the World is This?

This blog follows my life and daily adventures; everything from things that annoy me to tips and tricks I've picked up along the way. And you're just lucky enough to have stumbled upon this beauty of a blog, you're welcome.

Thursday, 2 May 2013


Once again here I am complaining; not about the hot weather per-say but the fact that we still have to sit in a classroom for another two months! It is absolutely beautiful outside and instead of enjoying the vitamin D and tanning up this pasty skin I'm forced to sit inside, at a desk, LEARNING. That really doesn't sound very appealing now does it? Wanna know why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT. I can't think when the weather is like this because I can hear the birds and then I stop doing my work and think, hmm I wonder what those birds are doing I wish I was them, flittering around without a care in the world. I am so distracted by the outside when it's sunny and beautiful so I can't focus on my work. I tell myself I'll do it at home but then I get home and it's still gorgeous out so of course I don't even look at it. From there it's just a vicious cycle of procrastination really. What also makes matters worse is that the university students are all home so it is their summer. You see them posting on social media about how happy they are to be on summer vacation and all I want to do is punch them square in the throat because they don't have to do to school anymore! Why can't we be done at the same time? We start at the same time. I get just right ticked when I think about that and then I realize that I have a bunch of homework to do and I die a little inside. It just sucks and I want to go to the beach not sit on a sticky warm plastic chair that hurts my butt.

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